Thursday, October 22, 2009


Stennis turned slowly into the wind and managed to launch a single 8-3 Viking ASW aircraft whose onboard instru- ments were likely to be useful for a surface search. The Viking was overhead in less. buy effexor xr online The son of parents who had lived their entire lives in the Easdand wilderness. His father was a scout and his mother a trapper. There had been eight brothers and sisters on his father's side and seven on his mother's. Most of them lived within a few miles of one another still and Risca had been raised by all at one time or another. Over the years of his boyhood he saw as much of his aunts and uncles and cousins as he did his par- ents. There was a sharing of responsibility for raising the young in his family. The Dwarves of this part of the world were constantly at war with the Gnome tribes and everyone was always at risk. But Risca was equal to the challenge. He was taught to fight and hunt at an! early age and he discovered that he was good at itâ€" better than good in fact. He could sense things the others could not. He could spy out what was hidden from them. He was quick and agile and strong beyond his years. He understood the art of survival. He stayed alive when others did not. At twelve he was attacked by a Koden and killed the beast. He was thirteen when one of a company of twenty that was ambushed by Gnomes. He alone escaped. When his mother was killed set- ting lines he was only fifteen but he tracked down those respon- sible and dispatched them single-handedly. When his father died in a hunting accident he carried his body deep into the heart of Gnome country and buried it there so that his spirit could continue the fight against their enemies. Half of his brothers and sisters were dead by then lost to battle or sickness. He lived in a violent unforgiving world and his life was hard and uncertain. But Risca survived and it was whispered when they thought! he could not hear for he was superstitious where fate was concerned that the blade had not been forged that could kill him. When he was twenty he came down out of the Ravenshom to Culhaven and entered into the service of Raybur newly crowned King of the Dwarves and a much admired warrior himself. But 146 First King ofShannara Raybur kept him in Culhaven only a short time before sending him to Paranor and the Druids. Raybur recognized Risca's special talents and believed the Dwarf people would be best served if the young man with the warrior's heart and the hunter's skills was trained by the Druids. He too like Courtann Ballindarroch of the Elves knew of Bremen and admired him. So a note was addressed to the old man asking that he consider giving young Risca special consideration as a student. Thus bearing the note Risca traveled to Paranor and. ffsef45456sr5ttgklkszzxxx6e

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