Friday, October 23, 2009

Was apt to confuse the constitution with the character to ascribe to want of principle what was really a want of circulation. Smith with his stronger mind knew his friend's habit and made allowance for it now as his thoughts turned.

Voice. He uttered a weird squeezed giggle that sounded like steam under high pressure escaping from a teapot. "They know I'm getting set to screw them. They don't know how. " "You can't " she said. "Don't you see that yet?" "Maybe I can " he. clomid 100mg Someone. Maybe Antsie de Campo maybe Forward. Could there be two Raymond Forwards?" "Both Belt doctors? Well it's possible. " He sipped at his own drink. "Was Naomi infertile?" "She was fertile. She'd also sworn never to have another kid. " "Then that's out" "By another man. " "What?" "She swore she'd never have children by another man. This Forward he solves infertility problems?" "Right. You've got something don't you?" "Cloning?" "If all else fails he can grow a clone for a patient. It's hellishly expensive. " "Can I borrow your phone?" "I'll call for you. What number?" I told him. Artemus Boone stood frowning in the doorway of his office. "I was just closing u! p. I can meet you tomorrow at 1000. Unless it's urgent?" "It feels urgent " I told the phone image. "Do you still regard Naomi Mitchison as your client?" "Certainly. " "I need to discuss her case confidentially. " He sighed. "Come to my office. I'll wait. " I turned to Harry McCavity. "Thanks for the drink. I'll be pleased to get drunk with you when this is all over but just now-" He waved that off "Will I ever know what this was all about?" "There's more than one kind of crime " I said cryptically and left. Artemus Boone sat behind his ancient lovingly maintained computer terminal and propped his beard on his folded hands. "Now what's this all about Mr. Hamilton?" "I want a legal opinion on a hypothetical situation. " "Go on. " "A flatlander woman hires a Belt doctor to take a clone from her and grow it to term. The operation takes place on the Moon. The woman returns to Earth. The child is raised in the asteroids. Four years later they meet again on the Moon. The woman i! s still on the Moon when it all becomes public knowledge. " Boone stared as if I'd sprouted horns. "Damnation!" "Sure. Now the United Nations Fertility Laws would have our hypothetical flatlander woman sterilized if she had an illegal baby. They'd sterilize the baby too. But this particular woman still has one birthright so she could have a baby with no problem. But what about a clone?" Boone shook his head. He was still thunderstruck. "I don't know. My field is lunar law. " "Would the UN try to extradite the woman? Would the Moon let them get away with it? Would they try to extradite the baby too? Or are they both safe because the crime took place off Earth?" "Again I don't know. I'd want research this. In some legal respects the Moon is part of the United Nations. Damnation! Why didn't she discuss this with me?" "She could have been scared to. She never mentioned any such situation?" He smiled like a man in pain. "Never. Damnation. I'm nearly certain that the baby could not be extradited. If only she'd asked! Hamilton is our hypothetical bab! y still on the. aw85e4657zxc9438367112yyyr

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